4096) $value = substr($value,0,4096) . ' ...'; return trim(str_replace('\'','\\\'', str_replace(array('\\','`','�','�','�','�'), array('','\'','\'','\'','"','"'), strip_tags($value)))); } if(isset($_POST['send'])) { $to = ''; $subject = 'Mechanical Music Ad Submission'; $message = safe($_POST['message']) . "\n"; $message = wordwrap($message, 70); $headers = ''; if(!mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers)) echo '

We\'re sorry, but we were unable to send your message. Please contact us directly by email at todd@rollerorgans.com

'; else echo '

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The provided information will be considered within the next few days.

'; } ?>
Roller Organ Home  Mechanical Music Buy/Sell/Trade

Todd Augsburger's Roller Organ Website

Todd Augsburger's
Mechanical Music Advertising

The Mechanical Music Buy/Sell/Trade page is offered as a  FREE  public forum for Buying, Selling, and Trading antique Mechanical Musical Instruments, Music, and Accessories, according to the following submission guidelines:
All ads are accepted entirely at my discretion, and may be edited for number, content, and/or length.
ONLY advertisements relating to antique Mechanical Music are accepted.
  (NO pump organs or melodians, NO non-player pianos or organs, NO electronic organs, NO phonographs, etc.)
Advertisements are manually processed, so ad will not appear immediately.
No ads for internet auctions will be accepted, as they expire too rapidly for this format.
Ads should be limited in length to about 50 words.
Dealers are welcome, but should limit themselves to three or four ads.
Please let me know if the item(s) have sold.
Listed prices are encouraged. Locations are encouraged, especially the country! This is an international forum.
NOTE! Beware that scammers are likely to post and respond to public ads, too. Please be cautious!
      Click HERE for actual examples received from these ads.
      See examples and information on www.fraudaid.com

It's simple! Just fill out the form below:
Advertisment: (exactly as it should appear, including email or contact info)