HARBACH ORGAN CO., 809 FILBERT ST., PHILADA., PA. The Roller Organ. Only $10. 14 1/2 inches long; 10 1/2 inches deep; 9 inches high. Sample to Agents; $7.50. We are now prepared to offer this very novel instrument to the public, in the full confidence that it will meet a want long felt, but never until now supplied--that of a cheap, indestructible mechanical musical instrument. With our long and extended experience in the manufacture and sale of such instruments, we cannot he ignorant of the grand and radical defect that operates as a drawback upon them all, and is totally incurable-- namely, the frail and destructible nature of any such material as paper, when subjected to such a use as this. No matter how well constructed the instrument, this fatal evil cannot be removed, for it is inseparable from the nature of a fabric so easily torn, and which, if not torn, must in a very short time become useless, with the best care, from merely wearing out. No musical instrument, therefore, using paper as a music sheet, can hope to remain longer in public favor, the moment that one can be produced that is free from this withering objection, which applies to every one of the paper-using instruments that have been heretofore in the market. No graver objection than this could be found to the use of paper sheets; but another, less serious, is the fact that after playing a tune on any instrument with such a sheet, it must be replaced, either by re-winding or re-adjusting it, in some way, before the performance can proceed further. This process involves a loss of time which is always annoying and, in the case of dance music, renders most paper-using instruments worthless. To produce an instrument that should be entirely free from the faults above named, has been the subject of our unwearying study and effort for a long time past: and for more than a year we have been engaged in perfecting our new ROLLER ORGAN, until we are satisfied that a mere glance will convince any one of its supreme excellence over any kindred article ever offered for sale in America or Europe. The ROLLER ORGAN employs no paper; but its music is obtained from a roller, furnished with pins similar to those of a music box. These pins operate upon valve keys, made of hard steel, the roller being driven by suitable gearing, which also works the bellows. The reeds are of organ size, and are made of a peculiar metal, manufactured for the purpose: being, as nearly as can be, proof against breaking or losing their tune: this material giving the fullest power combined with a far sweeter tone than can be obtained from the brass reeds ordinarily used. This instrument differs widely from all others in its powerful and sonorous bass notes, which grandly balance the treble: and its scale extends over a range of two and a half octaves. All the working parts of the instrument are easily accessible, and are made of solid metal, the rollers and keys being mounted on iron castings, and the whole as durable and well made as the best sewing machine. No flimsy sheet metal or short-lived springs are employed, and nothing has been omitted to give this beautiful instrument its crowning qualities of extreme simplicity and durability. Its volume of tone, and full sustaining and carrying power, equal that of a full organ, but can be readily modulated, at the pleasure of the performer, to the softest strains. The grand peculiarity of this fine instrument is its rollers, which are made of light wood, with metallic bearings, and filled with pins, which are almost indestructible. Each roller, as a general thing, plays one tune; and to prolong its action is made to move spirally before the keys, returning automatically, at the end of the tune, to the place of beginning, and repeating the music as long as desired. This makes it very suitable for the performance of dance music, as there is no interruption at the end of a piece. One roller can perform a tune as long as the longest autophone music paper. To remove the roller, and replace it by another, is but the work of an instant, and can be done by a child. By this means the ROLLER ORGAN attains what was never reached before--the beauty and permanency of a music box, combined with the endless variety of music, which no music box can perform, as their rollers are costly and unchangeable. We are glad also to announce that by means of new and automatic machinery, we are enabled to produce music rollers in large numbers, so that we cart offer them to the public at a price not exceeding the average cost of music paper. Bear in mind that the ROLLER ORGAN is not a toy, as are so many of the trashy affairs heretofore advertised, but a first-class musical instrument, which needs only to be seen and heard to he appreciated. It is in a handsome black walnut case, as well made and finished as a first-class organ. Moreover, it is made to last; which is more than can be honestly said of any paper-using instrument that ever was made. In order to make these instruments popular, we have established the low price of $10.00 each for an instrument with three rollers. This price includes boxing and free delivery to the railroad. Extra rollers will be furnished at 25 cents each, and when sent by mail 5 cents extra will be charged for postage. The cost of a roller, therefore, is no greater than the average price of the same music in paper; and a roller will give an immensely better performance, besides outlasting a thousand paper sheets. We are rapidly preparing a large catalogue of sacred and popular music, and have at present the following ready: 1. The Sweet Bye and Bye. 2. Nearer, my God, to Thee. 3. I need Thee every hour. 4. From Greenland’s Icy Mountains. 5. Duke Street. 6. Onward, Christian Soldiers. 101. Waltz--Les Roses. 102. Polka--La Bonne Bouche. 103. When the Swallows Homeward Fly. 104. The Blue Alsatian Mountains. 105. Waltz--Blue Violets. 106. The Soldier's Joy. 107. When the Leaves Begin to Fade. 108. Sweet Violets. 109. Marching Through Georgia. 110. Victoria Polonaise. 111. Waltz--My Queen. 112. Old Uncle Ned. 113. Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser. 114. Waltz--Tres Jolie. 115. Climbing up the Golden Stairs.